BS/MD programs (aka Guaranteed Med programs, Direct Med programs, Early Acceptance Medical Programs, etc.) offer guaranteed admission to both undergraduate schools and their respective affiliated medical schools to a few high school seniors who are exceptionally qualified, know that they want to become a physician and have demonstrated a commitment to healthcare. The admission to these programs is extremely competitive, many a times more competitive than Ivy League admissions. Due to this, we cannot and do not guarantee admission into one or more of these BS/MD programs. However, based on the hundreds of hours of research and information gathering our college admissions services team at Turnkey College Solutions have in this niche area, we feel confident to help prepare your student to become the best possible candidate and thus dramatically increasing the odds of your student’s admission into one or more of these BS/MD programs.
Whether you are looking for assistance with BS/MD admissions, financial aid, and/or college funding, Turnkey College Solutions is your one-stop shop for college-bound students and their parents.