Our Services
Our Mission & Philosophy
Our mission is to take a holistic, comprehensive approach to tackling the next major milestone in your life: putting all of your kids through college… not just any college, but the college that is the best fit & value. After all, affordability and its relative impact on your own ability to retire are non-trivial factors in the ultimate decision as to which college you and your child(ren) will commit to. We believe college affordability is a conversation that every family should have early on to set realistic expectations and to know how to devote your precious time & resources accordingly. Far too often, there is a disconnect from reality when the child thinks “my job is to get into college, Mom & Dad’s job are to pay for it!”
Our passion drives us to leave no stone unturned as we make every effort to help give you as many academically & financially viable college choices come April 1st of your child’s senior year in high school. And because our college financial planning, BS/MD, and general college admissions counselors are in-house and collaborate seamlessly to help you, we are uniquely positioned to deliver on our mission. Let us remove as much of the negative feelings & emotions such as anxiety, worry, fear, guilt & stress that may come with the college process so that you can focus on the positive feelings such as pride, relief, and sense of fulfillment of a life-long duty that began the very day your kids were conceived.